Hello, Europe and the United States!

• Written by emdemh

Next stop on our exploration of the globe: Europe and the United States!

Ben Knight and Vivien Maidaborn, two of the co-founders and dream-weavers of the Loomio Cooperative, are setting off from the Land of the Long White Cloud, Aotearoa, and are on their way to the Northern Hemisphere!

They’ve been invited to speak at the World Forum for Democracy in Strasbourg, and will also be spending time in Madrid, London, Berlin, and Amsterdam before traveling onwards to New York, Boston, Washington DC, and San Francisco.

They’re excited to be connecting with people and networks interested in social change through technology, online engagement and deliberation, new models of cooperative business, innovation emerging from the Occupy movement, social enterprise, and collective intelligence.

They are available to speak at events, run workshops on online deliberation and collaborative decision-making, and to meet up with interested likeminded people and organisations.


  • Nov 11th-13th: Madrid
  • Nov 13th-20th: London
  • Nov 20th-26th: Berlin / Amsterdam
  • Nov 26th-30th: Strasbourg
  • Nov 30th-Dec 11th: New York / Boston / Washington DC
  • Dec 11th-16th: San Francisco / Los Angeles

Get in touch if you’d like to meet up with them, and stay tuned for news of their adventures!

Ben Knight: ben@loomio.org

Vivien Maidaborn: vivien@loomio.org

Twitter: @LoomioProject | @Maidaborn | @BenjaminMKnight

Tags: News

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