For Rent: Elite Squad of Experienced Ruby on Rails Web Developers

• Written by Simon Tegg

The Story

We’ve spent the last two years building a product we’re proud of – Loomio, an online tool for collaborative decision-making.

An amazing team has come together around this vision, and we’ve invested hugely in great team process, and become a lean, mean, agile scrum machine in beautiful working order. It’s really humming!

But as a bootstrapping startup, we’re about to run into a gap in our cash runway in January. We’ve got big plans for bringing in resources around April 2014. As in-demand web dev professionals, we could each go out and get paying contracts as freelancers. But we want to stick together as a team, and because we work together so well, we can offer more value to a client together than apart.

The Offer

Rent us out! You get a fantastic highly skilled Rails dev team, ready to go. We get to stick together, and practice our craft on a new product and code base. As a bonus, you get to support an inspiring open-source project, Loomio, to carry on afterward.

We’re available from January to March 2014, and open to any and all offers from anywhere in the world. Tell us about your project and make us an offer!

How We Work

  • Agile methodology: fast iterative development, good estimates of development time. Our flat structure (Loomio is a worker-owned cooperative) ensures diverse perspectives are fed into the design process.

  • User-experience focus: all development is measured against the value we deliver to users – we consider user-experience holistically, informed through early and regular user testing and ongoing analytics.

  • Evidence-based decision-making:  measure, iterate, learn

Our Track Record

Technical Skills

  • UX (user experience) development

  • TDD (test driven development), specifically using Cucumber (translates business needs into technical requirements in a way that is accessible to non-technical people, while remaining specific enough for developers)

  • Interface design

  • Ruby on Rails

  • Javascript: JQuery and Angular

  • Responsive design

  • CSS

  • Bootstrap

  • Postgres

  • Full stack web design (including sysadmin)

  • Analytics and metrics

  • SEO

  • Comms, project management, and visual design pros on the team, as needed

We’ve got six developers ranging from senior to junior, plus comms, design, project management and more. Now we want to get excited about your next big idea. Hit us up on

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