Crowdfunding Update: Week Four

• Written by Richard D. Bartlett

After an amazing week, the $100K target is now well within reach! We’re blown away by our team of more than 850 people supporting us to make this project happen!

A tool for activists AND a tool for managers

At the same time as Loomio was being lauded as a winner of the MIX Prize Digital Freedom Challenge, an international management innovation award, we were being featured on RT America as “a fantastic new app for protesters”.


“The beauty of Loomio is that it transcends the tradeoff between efficiency and engagement. And, unlike most conflict-based, majority-rules approaches to group decision-making, it gives a truly diverse mix of perspectives and voices a meaningful role in the conversation, builds a deeply shared understanding of the issue at hand, and generally leads to higher-quality outcomes.” – Polly LaBarre, editor of the MIX Prize and co-founder of Fast Company Magazine

Another $5000 donor!

Law For Change – a growing young organisation of New Zealand law students & graduates dedicated to harnessing legal skills to serve the public interest – has become the second group pledged for a major $5000 Kickstart Collaboration from Loomio, courtesy of a grant from a benefactor in the Dunedin tech community. Law For Change will be using their customised Loomio community to support great decision-making and coordination.

The translation party continues

Thanks to the ongoing work of our wonderful community volunteers, Loomio has now been released in Swedish!

Loomio in Swedish

That brings us up to 20 languages – if you want to get involved in translating Loomio, get in touch with Mix:

Interview on

redecentralize logo

Redecentralize is a new initiative to support projects that are working to make the Web a safer, freer space.

They interviewed Loomio co-founder Richard D. Bartlett this week, in a fascinating conversation that bounces from decentralised decision-making, to the challenge of online privacy, to the importance of user-centred design in the free software community.

Loomio in the Media

Dutiee, the premiere blog on social startups, featured Loomio this week: “you know a product is truly desired when thousands of people flock to use it even before its launched.”

Open Democracy, based in the UK, published an in-depth review of how Loomio supports “democracy as a skill we can practice with people wherever we are.”

NZ Entrepreneurs shows their support for Kiwi innovation and the Loomio vision: “Software like Loomio is putting the New Zealand tech scene on the map. Even if you don’t think you will use Loomio 1.0, donating is worth it.”

The home stretch

We’ve got one more week to go and we are so close! If everyone who has supported this project can reach out and find one more person to contribute, we’ll blow this target out of the water.

Graph of contributions to date

If you have a minute, send a few people a quick message and ask them to pitch in at:

❤ Thanks so much, and keep sharing the love! ❤

Tags: News

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