Loomio Blog: Events

Sociocracy Conference 2023 Loomio presentation and demo

At the 2023 Sociocracy Conference, we were invited to introduce Loomio and demonstrate how it is used by organizations practicing Sociocracy for collective decision-making. Check out the video to learn more about Loomio and how to use it for collaborative governance.

Video: Full circle leadership with Alanna Irving

> The Full Circle model works on two levels: a way understand and visualise diverse kinds of leadership, and a way to map the steps of innovation and execution of projects. {% youtube "J9wnSdVlqcw" %}

We’re Coming to the US for a Community Organising Workshop Tour

Rich and Nati from Loomio are coming from New Zealand to join US-based team member MJ for a workshop tour across the States. We’re keen to meet with organisers who are interested in working non-hierarchically: whether they’re in cooperatives, startups, communities, collectives, NGOs or corporations.

Delight in Uncertainty… Gulp. Stories from the Road

Loomio Co-op Member and Director MJ Kaplan has been all over the US in recent months, at conferences exploring impact, collaboration, the economy, the future of work, and more.

Ours To Hack and To Own: a Review

Platform cooperativism is the radical idea that the internet would do more good if its major properties were democratically owned and governed.

OS//OS is going to be awesome! 🍌

We’re super excited about contributing to the upcoming OS//OS open source, open society conference.

g0v Summit 2014: Taiwan and the future of democracy

I had the immense honour of being invited to participate in the g0v Summit in Taipei last year. The Summit was basically a chance for 700 people to get together and discuss the future of democracy, and hack on some projects that might help us get there faster.

Loomio is Co-Hosting the Open Source // Open Society Conference

Loomio is co-hosting the Open Source // Open Society conference, April 16-17 in Wellington, New Zealand, alongside GitHub, Chalkle, and Enspiral. Get your ticket and join us at the event!

Video: Loomio at Personal Democracy Forum 2014

The Personal Democracy Forum (PDF) in New York is an annual gathering of people from around the world working towards a free and open internet. In June this year, we were lucky enough to be invited to present Loomio at PDF, in a session on “The Future of the Public Internet”. Ben Knight talks about his experience speaking at this amazing event.

Loomio launch party

Thanks to everyone for making our launch party totally magical! Here's a video of Rich and Vivien presenting some of the Loomio story, supported by an international cast of contributors: Loomio launch party - timeline presentation from Enspiral on Vimeo. Click through for some magnificent party photos from Mark Russell (mark@adventureartists.co.nz):

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